Dr. Adriana Perea_Bauchbehandlung
F. X. Mayr Programmes

The F. X. Mayr Method

F. X. Mayr Medicine is a specialised and optimised fasting regimen with a particular focus on the intestine. A sensitive diagnosis is followed by an individually tailored treatment according to the basic therapeutic principles of prevention, cleansing, training and substitution.

F. X. Mayr Medicine

F. X. Mayr Medicine

F. X. Mayr Medicine combines naturopathic therapy of the intestines with moderate fasting. After a sensitive and holistic diagnosis, the treatment is individually determined and supplemented with additional therapies as appropriate.


Principles of therapy

Principles of therapy

Whenever we step back from constant performance expectations, balance can restore itself. The natural rhythm of tension and relaxation sets in.




Modern F. X. Mayr Medicine is a comprehensive holistic medical treatment and prevention method that can permanently alleviate or even cure chronic illnesses and discomforts.
